In India, jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is mostly considered a wild fruit and is not taken as a commercial crop. However, it is one of the most beneficial fruits in India. Jackfruit cultivation is increasing day by day due to market demand and health benefits. It is native to India, but it has spread to tropical areas today. Jackfruit belongs to “Moraceae” and is grown in parts of Malaysia, Burma and Brazil. In addition, wild jackfruit is grown in the Western Ghats of India. Apart from eating fresh fruit, it is also used in making some special dishes.

Jackfruit Farming in India

Jackfruit farming requires the most prominent equipment, which plays a vital role in agriculture processing. Tools, harvesters and tractors are the main in cultivating jackfruit; Hence, we suggest the kubota Tractor, which is better for increasing efficiency in the field. Here below, you can find jackfruit farming in India with complete specifications. 

Climate Requirement 

Jackfruit grows well in arid & warm, humid plains of south India. It thrives best in humid, hilly slopes at 1400 to 1500 metres. Cold and frost weather damage the tree and fruit growth, and regions having these conditions are not favourable for jack fruit farming. 

Soil Requirement 

Farmers require well-drained sandy loam and fertile soil with a 6.0 to 7.5 pH value. You should select the land with good drainage, as jackfruit plantation does not withstand waterlogging. Jackfruit can not tolerate moisture stress, but the availability of lime and chlorine is tolerable to some extent. Organic fertilisers supplementing the soil always help grow the jackfruit tree. Supplementing the soil with organic fertilisers always helps in the growth of the jackfruit tree. Lands nearby river beds are suitable for jackfruit farming. 

Land Preparation and Planting 

You should prepare the land to make weed-free and fine tilth. Farmers should prepare the soil so that water stagnation should not occur in the field. You should dig the pit size of 1 cubic metre at a distance of 6 metres and fill it with topsoil mixed with 10 to 12 farmyard manure  (FYM). You should plant the grafts in the centre of the pits during June to Sep period. To avoid any breakage at the joint, use proper staking. To protect grafts, provide shade with leaves and mulch the basins. 

Irrigation in Jackfruit Farming

Generally, farmers grow jackfruit under rainfed conditions. There is no specific irrigation schedule during the initial 2-3 years, but these fruit trees are sensitive to drought situations; therefore, you should do the irrigation in hot and dry weather. There is no specific irrigation schedule, but jackfruit plants require regular watering during the initial 2 to 3 years. A ring system can be adopted for watering this tree. The irrigation frequency always depends on the soil’s moisture-holding capacity and the weather conditions. They do not require water during the rainy season. However, in case of floods or heavy rains, drain the soil as water stagnation will affect tree growth and fruit development.

Training in Jackfruit Farming

Farmers should train the jackfruit to a single stem, and early side branches have to be removed for uniform smooth trunk development for a 1.5 m – 2 m height. You should allow side branches to grow. Flower buds appearing on tree branches should be kept free from vegetative growth.

Intercropping and Plant Care

Farmers can consider intercropping like any pulse or vegetable before the fruiting stage. Mulching can be done by spreading dry leaves to retain moisture and protect against soil erosion. Once the trunk increases in size, an inflorescence of active female buds develop from the trunk and scaffold branches; this type of fruit-bearing habit is called ‘cauliflower’. If the ground is not fenced, be sure to protect these fruit buds from any damage caused by cattle (by rubbing the body with the trunk). Goats also like the leaves of the jackfruit tree, so you should protect the trees.

Manures and Fertilisers –  You should apply the fertilisers during the monsoon (Rainy season). In the case of irrigated farming,  you should apply the fertilisers at split doses twice a year, from June to July and September to October. You should apply fertilisers and manures in a circular trench 50 cm far from the tree’s trunk. 

Pests and Diseases

The common pest found in jackfruit farming is the “Brown weevil” this insect bores into the shoots, tender buds and fruits. To prevent this pest, first, destroy the fallen fruits and buds. Then, during fruit set or growth, you can control it by spraying Bavistin (0.05 %) or Fytolan (0.2 %) or M.45 (0.2 %) at 2 weeks intervals.  


You will be ready for jackfruit harvesting after 7 years of planting. Grafted jackfruit plants start bearing fruits from the 4th year itself. In the Singapore jackfruit variety, plants grown from seedlings start bearing fruits in the 3rd year. Generally, you can get the jackfruits from March to June. 

The yield of Jackfruit

The yield depends on the weather conditions, soil type, variety and farming practices. However, an average yield of 25 to 100 fruits per plant can be expected with each fruit’s 10 to 30 kg weight in jackfruit farming.   Jackfruit farming requires the most important equipment, which plays a major role in agro-processing. Equipment, harvesters and tractors are the main sectors in jackfruit cultivation; Hence, we suggest the Eicher Tractor models that can be helpful in the jackfruit farming process. Though, you can find any other renowned tractor brand models.    

For further information regarding jackfruit farming in India, stay tuned with us.